Vampire yarglawai
Vampire Clan

a été créé par Freddy78 de 06.08.2006 à 16:33:27
Description du personnage
yarglawai a gagné 17.016 Or!

yarglawai a gagné 907 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 777 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 930 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 631 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 801 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 545 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 852 Or!
yarglawai a gagné 900 Or!
Butin total: 1.814.192,60 Litre de sang
Victime mordue (via lien): 0
Combats: 4387
Victoires: 1958
Défaites: 2429
Ex-aequo: 0
Or gagné: ~ 160.000,00 Or
Or perdu: ~ 745.000,00 Or
Points d’adresse remportés: 1316124.29
Points d’adresse cédés: 2512265.16
Le niveau de compétence de yarglawai:
Niveau du personnage: Etape 100
Force: (258)
Défense: (209)
Initiative: (144)
Endurance: (156)
Dextérité: (171)
Expérience: (49234|50000)
Statistiques du Temple des Anciens yarglawai
Défis lancés: 37
Défis remportés: 28
Défis perdus: 9
gardien de yarglawai
Monstre de Pierre
Type de gardien: Monstre de Pierre
Nom du gardien: Monstre de Pierre
Attaque: (82)
Défense: (63)
Endurance: (57)
Données du profil
Sexe: homme
Age: 31-40 Année
Lieu: ---
N° ICQ: ---
MSN Messenger: ---
Yahoo Messenger: ---
Nom AIM: ---
Jabber ID ---
Skype ID yarglawai
Compétence de combat level 1 - Practice makes perfect.<br />Two steps forward and one back… Only a strenuously obtained fighting routine - based on both glorious victories and searing defeats - will lead you to the ultimate goal of becoming the supreme fighter in the realms of darkness. How high will you climb in the ranks of legendary warriors? Compétence de combat level 2 - The beginning is often strenuous and wearying, but you have come far. Continue in this manner, as the realm of darkness is waiting for you and word of further heroic deeds. Compétence de combat level 3 - Bloody noses and maimed limbs… The road to glory is paved with many setbacks. In spite of the sometimes bitter costs you have paid, your destiny is predetermined - you must simply continue along your present course. Compétence de combat level 4 - Slowly but surely you are developing keen fighting skills. Your abilities are gradually being perfected and one can readily see that there is more to you than meets the eye - unwary opponents will fall prey to you quickly. Evolution 6 - Tu as passé le mure du son et atteind le level 100. Comment se sent on avec un level a 3 chiffres?

yarglawai n’as pas encore atteint un rang d’arène spécial.

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